

Exchange Program with Sister School in France (Day 8) フランスでの姉妹校交流(8日目)

Time to leave for Charles de Gaulle International Airport with the host families.
13 hours flight to Haneda International Airport with lots of precious memories.



Message from Students 生徒からのメッセージ

The most impressing thing during the trip was that every one of the participants lives their own life with fun and originality. There were tons of new discoveries and surprises during this summit and I would like to express my appreciation for all the valuable experiences. From now on, I'll try more challenging things to grow myself for the future and I would definitely want to go back to France again! 



The experience that has the most impact and enhanced me was the group presentation that had lasted for five days.

I was able to deepen my knowledge in regard to the overconsumption, and at the same time, I learned a lot from my teammates while writing sentences for the presentation.

Through this summit in France, I was able to obtain a lifelong memory.   



          With Host Families

Exchange Program with Sister School in France (Day 7) フランスでの姉妹校交流(7日目)

Summit Day 5 (Last Day of Summit)
AM: Workshop #4
PM: Japanese class
At Night: Closing Ceremony

During the last workshop, all the groups proudly presented their outcomes and their posters were full of creativity.

After the workshop, we were able to participate in the Japanese class of freshmen's class.
Students in the class introduced themselves with their newly-learned Japanese. All of them are really interested in Japan and we were asked to answer lots of questions.

At night, there was a closing ceremony and all of the participants attend the ceremony with their formal attire.
Each one of them received the certificate of completion and the principle made a speech to us.
After that, each school performed their own country's songs and dance.
When we, the Japanese team performed Awa Dance and Karate format, many participants started to focus on taking pictures and/or movies during the performance.
We all had a great time with the participants who spent the time together for five days.


午前:ワークショップⅣ 午後:日本語授業 夜:クロージング・セレモニー






    Participated in the Japanese class   Photo session with everyone at the end of the Japanese class
        日本語授業に参加            日本語授業の最後に全員で記念撮影


                    Principal's Speech


   With Certificate of Completion         Karate Performance
        修了証を手に           空手のパフォーマンス

Exchange Program with Sister School in France (Day 6) フランスでの姉妹校交流(6日目)

Summit Day 4:
AM: Workshop #3
PM: Field trip to Étretat

During the morning session, we continuously spent the time discussing in the workshop.
The workshop within the groups started to run more smoothly as we continue discussing together.
At the end of the workshop, students from Ukraine made a presentation.
Their presentation taught us how their country is rich in long history and many parts of their history were lost due to the recent war.
Their presentation surely moved many participants’ hearts and without saying, the presentation was outstanding.
We reassured the importance of maintaining peace and at the same time, we all pledged that we are the ones who think deeply and act responsibly to create peaceful world now and forever.

In the afternoon, we had a field trip to the town of Étretat which is located on the outskirts of Le Havre.
Claude Monet’s painting “The Stormy Sea in Étretat” made the beach and the cliff famous and without saying, the scenery was breathtaking.

サミット4日目 午前:ワークショップⅢ 午後:エトルタへフィールドトリップ




 The Cliff in Étretat that is famous for
   Claude Monet's painting: "Stormy Sea in Étretat"         At the beach in Étretat
     モネの絵画で有名なエトルタの崖              エトルタの海岸で



         Presentation of Team Ukraine        The Ukraine's flag was visible at the Le Havre City Office
        ウクライナチームの発表         ル・アーブル市庁舎でもウクライナ国旗が…







 学校長式辞   徳島県立城東高等学校長  藤本和史
 同窓会会長挨拶 城東渭山同窓会長     高畑宏比
 来賓祝辞    徳島県知事        飯泉嘉門様
         徳島県教育委員会教育長  榊浩一様
 校歌演奏    「渭の山かげ」「雄々しき渭山」



        学校長 藤本和史             城東渭山同窓会長 高畑宏比

      徳島県知事 飯泉嘉門様           徳島県教育委員会教育長 榊浩一様


          校歌演奏                    来賓席


【 式典に参加して ~生徒感想より~ 】





 演題:「経営者として贈る ~いま,高校生のみなさんに伝えたいこと~」

    代表取締役社長 CEO 藤田恭嗣氏





【 講演を拝聴して ~生徒感想より~ 】





 演奏者:徳永真一郎氏(本校第58回卒業生) ギタリスト
     浅井久視子氏(本校第60回卒業生) ピアニスト

 プログラム:M. M. ポンセ  前奏曲
       A. ディアベリ  ピアノとギターのための華麗なる大ソナタ Op. 102
       F. タレガ    アルハンブラ宮殿の思い出(ギターソロ)
       F. ショパン   12の練習曲 Op. 10-12 ハ短調『革命』(ピアノソロ)
       M. カステルヌオーヴォ=テデスコ 幻想曲





         ギター                      ピアノ


【 コンサートを鑑賞して ~生徒感想より~ 】



Exchange Program with Sister School in France (Day 5) フランスでの姉妹校交流(5日目)

Summit Day 3:
AM: Workshop #2
PM: Free time with the host family

We were divided into same groups and challenged different tasks.
We discussed the company management that takes into account environment protection.
In the afternoon, we enjoyed the time together with our host families and the participants by strolling around the city of Le Havre.

サミット3日目 午前:ワークショップⅡ 午後:ホストファミリーとフリータイム




From the Top of the Hill of Le Havre     At the Supermarket
  ルアーブルの坂の上から       スーパーマーケットで

Exchange Program with Sister School in France (Day 4) フランスでの姉妹校交流(4日目)

Summit Day 2
AM: Exhibition day
PM: Workshop

During the exhibition held in the morning session, we proudly introduced the featutes of Japan,Tokushima, and Joto High School.
At our booth, posters, pamphlets, and indigo dying works were displayed.
During the demonstration, we showed how to play with origami as well as how to write names in Kanji by using Japanese writing brush.
Continuously, Japan booth gathered a lot of people for three consecutive hours.

At the workshop that was held in the afternoon, all the students were divided into groups of ten or so, and had a discussion regarding mass consumption.
Group members discussed the topic along with the group facilitator, and actively exchanged their opinions within the groups.
During the wrap-up session, every group made a fantastic presentation that includes brilliant ideas. Through these in-depth presentations, we could definetely widen our global vision.


サミット2日目 午前:エキシビションデイ 午後:ワークショップ





                Japan Booth ジャパンブース

      Workshop ワークショップ           Discussion ディスカッション 

Exchange Program with Sister School in France (Day 3) フランスでの姉妹校交流(3日目)

Summit Day 1
PM: City office courtesy visit・City fieldwork

Much anticipated summit just started today.
In the morning, there was an opening ceremony held at Saint Joseph Institute.
Then, the ice break game made all the participants come closer.
In the afternoon, they enjoyed the treasure hunting in the city of Le Havre.
We were taken to one of the most recommended places in Le Havre.
Later, there was a welcome ceremony at the city office and the city mayor made a welcome speech to us.

The acceptance of all the warm greetings made us feel warm and we reassured that we are the representatives of Japan. 


サミット1日目 午後:市庁舎訪問・市内研修




     Opening Ceremony        With Ms. Josephine, the facilitator
     オープニングセレモニー     ファシリテーターのジョセフィーンさんと

Exchange Program with Sister School in France (Day 2) フランスでの姉妹校交流(2日目)

On our first day of our visit in France, we spent the time together with our host families.
Thanks to the kind and generous host families, we had a great opportunity to visit the town in Paris and Le Havre and enjoyed shopping and sightseeing with them.
The temperature here in France is much lower than the one in Japan and it feels like almost winter.
However, we are looking forward to the program that will start from tomorrow in spite of this cold weather!




    The Lake in Le Havre ルアーブルの湖      The Eiffel Tower in Paris パリのエッフェル塔

Exchange Program with Sister School in France (Day 1) フランスでの姉妹校交流(1日目)

     It's been our honor to announce that Joto High School participates in the 8th Normandi International Youth Leadership Summit held in Saint Joseph, France this year.

    The workshop continues for five days from Nov. 21st (Mon.) to 25th (Fri.) and all the sister schools of Saint Joseph Institute in France will participate in this workshop from all over the world. Through this workshop, participants will discuss the environmental issues. Also, they will join the cultural exchange during this summit.

   From Joto High School, two selected students and one teacher join this workshop. All of us appreciate this opportunity and hope that we can accumulate memorable and valuable experiences through this trip! 


    本年度、本校の姉妹校であるフランスのサン・ジョセフ校で開催される「第9回 ノルマンディー国際ユースリーダーシップサミット」に参加することになりました。



        At Haneda Airport 羽田空港にて