

令和6年度 姉妹校交流 派遣 9日目・10日目











令和6年度 姉妹校交流 派遣 7日目・8日目












令和6年度 姉妹校交流 派遣 5日目・6日目













令和6年度 姉妹校交流 派遣 3日目・4日目









































令和6年度 姉妹校交流 派遣 1日目・2日目
















On Wednesday, January 29, the 5th Global Citizen’s College @ Joto was held with Mr. Benjamin from France as a lecturer. About 50 students participated and learned about France and the French language.

First, we practiced French. The greeting is “Bonjour, ca va (Hello, how are you?).”” Bonjour, sa va, et toi? (Hello, how about you?)”” Ca va, merci (I am well, thank you).” There is no need to say, “Actually, I'm not well...,” etc. It is good to memorize this as a fixed greeting. We also learned how to say goodbye and how to introduce ourselves. A casual way to say goodbye is “salut (bye-bye).”  When entering a shop, we use this phrase “Je voudraus ca s'il vous plait (can I have this?).” He told us that “ca (this)” is very useful to use.

Next, we learned about France. France is a country located at the western end of the European continent, and it has territories on all continents, especially in the southern hemisphere. The total area is 640,000㎢. The land area in Europe is called “Metropolitan France (mainland)”, with an area of 550,000㎢ and a population of 68 million. It is twice the size of Japan with only about half the population of Japan. The nearest French territory from Japan is New Caledonia, and they speak a slightly different French than the mainland.

He also talked about the climate in France. France lies between 40 -and 50 -degrees latitude, about the same as Hokkaido. France has cold winters and hot summers, but summers are better than in Japan because there is no humidity. “We do not use air conditioners very much, but things have changed recently.” “There are no typhoons and earthquakes in France!” he said.

He also introduced some French food such as croissants and quiche, famous soccer players, companies such as Airbus and Dior, and events during the year.

Our sister school, Saint Joseph, is located in the Normandy region of northwestern France. He told us about the Normandy region for our exchange students who will be visiting there in March. Normandy borders the English Channel to the north, Brittany to the west, and Paris to the south. It is a place where many people were killed in World War II, but today it is a symbol of peace. As for food, Camembert cheese is delicious! One of the famous places is Mont Saint-Michel. Only about 25 people live there, but almost 3 million people visit every year. He told us that we should definitely go there.

 During the question and answer session, there were several questions. When asked what is considered rude in France, he said that it is to walk into a store and not say anything. In Japan, people sometimes shop at convenience stores without saying a word, but in France, it is common to say “bonjour” when entering a store and “merci” when receiving goods. It is considered rude not to say anything. Greetings are the foundation of communication.

The students were eagerly learning French and about France. The teacher spoke carefully in French and Japanese, which was easy to understand and helped us learn about France.

Thank you very much for your talk, Mr. Benjamin!


1月29日(水) フランス出身のバンジャマンさんを講師としてお迎えし、第5回地球人カレッジ@Jotoを開催しました。50名ほどの生徒が参加し、フランスやフランス語について学びました。

まずは、フランス語の練習から。挨拶は、Bonjour, ca vaボンジュール・サヴァ(こんにちは、元気ですか)。ボンジュール・サヴァ、エトワ?(こんにちは、あなたは?)サヴァ、メルシー(元気です、ありがとう)。実は元気でなくて・・・などという必要はなくて、決まった挨拶として覚えておいたらよいとのこと。別れるときの言い方や自己紹介の仕方なども学びました。カジュアルな言い方では、サリュ(バイバイ)があります。お店に入って使える表現としては、ジュ・ヴドゥレ、サ、シル・ヴ・プレ(これをいただけませんか)があるそうです。特に、「サ(これ)」は、便利ですよと教えてくれました。










































































On Wednesday, December 18th, we held the 4th Global Citizen's College @Joto with Dr. Tran HoangNam from Vietnam as our guest speaker. 23 students participated, and they had the opportunity to learn a lot about Vietnam's culture, history, and society.

The session began with an introduction to basic information about Vietnam. Its area is slightly smaller than Japan, excluding Hokkaido, with a population of approximately 96 million. The average age is under 30, and the population pyramid is shaped like a mountain, although the number of children is decreasing due to the two-child policy. The climate in Vietnam varies: the northern part experiences four distinct seasons, and snow occasionally falls in the highlands, while the southern part has a rainy season and a dry season, with floods occurring during the rainy period.

Vietnam has a long history, and the My Son ruins from the Champa Kingdom period are listed as a World Heritage site. In the city of Hoi An, the Japanese Bridge, built before the 17th century, still stands. This bridge was built by Japanese traders who were involved in commerce at the time. Additionally, Vietnam has been strongly influenced by Chinese culture and celebrates the Lunar New Year. The currency is the "Dong," and coins are rarely used. All banknotes feature the portrait of Ho Chi Minh. Due to the large number of zeros in the denominations, people often omit three zeros when talking about the value (e.g., 10,000 Dong is called "10 Dong"). Since the economic reforms of 1986, Vietnam's economy has grown rapidly by 6-7% annually, and more Japanese companies are expanding into Vietnam. Many people are studying Japanese and going to Japan for study abroad. Currently, there are about 500,000 Vietnamese people living in Japan, ranking second by nationality, and Vietnam ranks first in terms of the number of technical intern trainees.

Next, the students learned some basic greetings in Vietnamese, such as "Xin Chao" (Hello), "Cam On" (Thank you), "Xin Loi" (Excuse me), and "Tan Biet" (See you again). Vietnamese is the official language of the country and is widely used in documents. The use of Chinese characters has decreased, and now, in calligraphy, it is common to write the alphabet with a brush.

Dr. Tran also spoke about Vietnam's diversity. The country consists of 16 religions and 54 ethnic groups, with the Kinh ethnic group making up about 80% of the population. Interestingly, around 40% of the population has the surname "Nguyen," making it difficult to distinguish individuals by their family name. As a result, people mainly use their first names. When addressing someone, it is common to use only the final part of the name, so for example, someone named "Nakamura" would be called "Mr. La." Ethnic minorities mainly live in the mountainous regions, and the least populous ethnic group has fewer than 400 people. While some areas face educational disparities and higher illiteracy rates, special educational programs are being provided to promote education among these minority groups. Issues related to early marriages and maternal and child health have led to the introduction of Japan’s maternal and child health handbook to support health management.

Regarding the national character of the Vietnamese people, he found a Japanese website that says they are skilled and eager to learn, while also having strong family values, and are being excellent in negotiations. According to Dr. Tran, Vietnamese people tend to be more flexible and focus on what is in front of them, rather than following rigid plans. They tend to be proud, diligent and quick to find satisfaction. Work starts early in the morning, and it is common to take a nap at work after lunch. Many people spend most of their day on the streets, where not only food stalls but also barber shops and even street wedding venues are common. Motorbike taxis and rickshaws are also widespread. However, one of the ongoing challenges is the littering problem in some areas.

The main staples in Vietnam include wheat (bread), potatoes, rice, and vegetables. In the north, dishes like Pho, spring rolls, Bun Cha, and Bun Thang are famous, while in the central region, Banh Mi is popular, and in the south, Banh Xeo is a specialty. Fruits like jackfruit and dragon fruit are also recommended, as they are easy for Japanese people to eat. Dr. Tran also introduced unique cultural traditions like water puppetry, where performers control puppets in water, and tourist spots like the Golden Bridge in Da Nang.

During the Q&A session, Dr. Tran shared interesting facts, such as how students in Vietnam often have a long break in the afternoon and can nap freely, and how a certain insect used in soups tastes like cinnamon, and is mostly farmed rather than caught in the wild.

Dr. Tran's fascinating and diverse stories allowed us to gain a deeper understanding of Vietnam, not only as a country but also of the Vietnamese people living in Japan. It was a truly valuable time. Thank you very much, Dr. Tran, for your valuable insights. We look forward to continuing such wonderful exchanges in the future.



On Wednesday 25th September the 3rd Global Citizen's College @ Joto was held with Mrs. Siyal Rishmita from India as the lecturer. About 50 students attended the event and were able to learn about Indian culture and interact with each other.



She started by talking about the size of India. India is eight times the size of Japan and has 11 times the population. Because of its size, the ethnic groups, food and culture vary greatly from region to region. For example, it is hot all year round in the south, but in the north it can be over 50°C in the summer and minus 20°C in the winter. The food culture is also very different, with rice being the staple food in the south and flour in the north. There are also around 700 languages spoken in India, with 22 official languages, and most people in India can speak at least three or four languages. Many students were surprised to find such huge differences within the same country.


On the other hand, she also introduced some things that can be found everywhere in India. Cats, dogs, ducks, monkeys and even cows! and other animals that are everywhere and very familiar to people in India. It also seems to be part of the Indian culture that you can see many stalls selling fruit, clothes, etc. And religious festivals called Diwali and Holi are also a culture that can be found all over India.


The next topic was Indian weddings. What a lot of people, 800-1000 people usually attend a wedding! And the wedding lasts five days! There is a lot of dancing, music and other events. Surprisingly, the food at weddings is really good, and so people go to the weddings of people they don't know. We were amazed at how different weddings are from those in Japan.


There was also an introduction to the language. Hindi looks like a completely different language, but actually the grammar is similar to Japanese. Take the sentence structure, for example. The subject-object-verb structure is the same, so perhaps it is easier for Japanese to learn Hindi. Many words are also similar, for example 'Huh?' has the same usage and pronunciation. There are some proverbs that are similar to Japanese ones. Even though they seem to be far away countries, she told us that there are many similarities.


During the question and answer session after the presentations, there were several questions.

When asked why she was interested in Japan, she said that she first became interested in Japan by watching anime. She then became interested in the language and learnt, for example, that 'arigato' has the original meaning of 'thank you', which made her even more interested in Japan, the Japanese language and Japanese culture. Mrs. Siyal is also quite fluent in Japanese. Although she only studied Japanese for two years at university, she told us that in order to learn a language, you have to try and use it more and more, even if you make mistakes, and in doing so you will improve.


At the end of the presentation, she taught us the phrase PHIR MILENGE! 'See you again'. When students gave message cards to her, many of them said goodbye with the words PHIR MILENGE!


We were able to hear very valuable stories from Mrs. Siyal and became more interested in Indian culture. Thank you, Mrs. Siyal.
















プレゼンの最後に、PHIR MILENGE!(フィル・ミレンゲ)「また会いましょう」という言葉を教えていただきました。メッセージカードを渡すときに、たくさんの生徒がフィル・ミレンゲという言葉でお別れしました。




インドネシア研修 (7-8日目)

8月10-11日 インドネシア研修7-8日目





























