

Philosophy Workshop with Saint Joseph High School in France

Joto Foreign Language Club (FLC) held the last philosophy workshop for the year on Friday, March 3rd.

During the last two sessions, we focused on 1) The Ring of Gyges and 2) Law.

1) The Ring of Gyges is the story about a king who obtained the ring that makes him invisible, and makes him obtain superpower to conduct everything he wants to. The main topic was "What will you do if you obtain the ring of Gyges?".

This topic made them realize if they want to do a bad thing or a good thing with the ring.

Also, we focused on laws that are around the society. Students tried to find the friend words (synonyms) and enemy words (antonyms) of "law".

Society, justice, and rights are the synonym words that they picked, and crime, chaos, and free are the antonym words.

Students also talked about the scientific laws, social laws, and moral laws.

If there are no laws that control us in the world, the world will be chaos.

Students had a chance to appreciate the laws they have around their society, which make them live peacefully.


この2つのセッションでは、1) ギュゲースの指輪 2) 法律に焦点をあてて行われました。

1) ギュゲースの指輪のセッションでは、指輪を得ると自分の姿が見えなくなり、同時に偉大な力を得ることができる。仮にそうなった時には、自分自身はどのような行動を取るか、との問いについて深く考えました。

また、2) 法律のセッションでは、生徒は「法律」に似た言葉や相反する言葉について深く考え、似た言葉としては、「社会・正義・権利」の3つが挙げられ、相反するとしては、「犯罪・混沌・自由」の3つが挙げられました。

