

On Wednesday, January 29, the 5th Global Citizen’s College @ Joto was held with Mr. Benjamin from France as a lecturer. About 50 students participated and learned about France and the French language.

First, we practiced French. The greeting is “Bonjour, ca va (Hello, how are you?).”” Bonjour, sa va, et toi? (Hello, how about you?)”” Ca va, merci (I am well, thank you).” There is no need to say, “Actually, I'm not well...,” etc. It is good to memorize this as a fixed greeting. We also learned how to say goodbye and how to introduce ourselves. A casual way to say goodbye is “salut (bye-bye).”  When entering a shop, we use this phrase “Je voudraus ca s'il vous plait (can I have this?).” He told us that “ca (this)” is very useful to use.

Next, we learned about France. France is a country located at the western end of the European continent, and it has territories on all continents, especially in the southern hemisphere. The total area is 640,000㎢. The land area in Europe is called “Metropolitan France (mainland)”, with an area of 550,000㎢ and a population of 68 million. It is twice the size of Japan with only about half the population of Japan. The nearest French territory from Japan is New Caledonia, and they speak a slightly different French than the mainland.

He also talked about the climate in France. France lies between 40 -and 50 -degrees latitude, about the same as Hokkaido. France has cold winters and hot summers, but summers are better than in Japan because there is no humidity. “We do not use air conditioners very much, but things have changed recently.” “There are no typhoons and earthquakes in France!” he said.

He also introduced some French food such as croissants and quiche, famous soccer players, companies such as Airbus and Dior, and events during the year.

Our sister school, Saint Joseph, is located in the Normandy region of northwestern France. He told us about the Normandy region for our exchange students who will be visiting there in March. Normandy borders the English Channel to the north, Brittany to the west, and Paris to the south. It is a place where many people were killed in World War II, but today it is a symbol of peace. As for food, Camembert cheese is delicious! One of the famous places is Mont Saint-Michel. Only about 25 people live there, but almost 3 million people visit every year. He told us that we should definitely go there.

 During the question and answer session, there were several questions. When asked what is considered rude in France, he said that it is to walk into a store and not say anything. In Japan, people sometimes shop at convenience stores without saying a word, but in France, it is common to say “bonjour” when entering a store and “merci” when receiving goods. It is considered rude not to say anything. Greetings are the foundation of communication.

The students were eagerly learning French and about France. The teacher spoke carefully in French and Japanese, which was easy to understand and helped us learn about France.

Thank you very much for your talk, Mr. Benjamin!


1月29日(水) フランス出身のバンジャマンさんを講師としてお迎えし、第5回地球人カレッジ@Jotoを開催しました。50名ほどの生徒が参加し、フランスやフランス語について学びました。

まずは、フランス語の練習から。挨拶は、Bonjour, ca vaボンジュール・サヴァ(こんにちは、元気ですか)。ボンジュール・サヴァ、エトワ?(こんにちは、あなたは?)サヴァ、メルシー(元気です、ありがとう)。実は元気でなくて・・・などという必要はなくて、決まった挨拶として覚えておいたらよいとのこと。別れるときの言い方や自己紹介の仕方なども学びました。カジュアルな言い方では、サリュ(バイバイ)があります。お店に入って使える表現としては、ジュ・ヴドゥレ、サ、シル・ヴ・プレ(これをいただけませんか)があるそうです。特に、「サ(これ)」は、便利ですよと教えてくれました。





