Foreign Cooking Event
Have you ever tried Canadian food?
On Thursday, June 20th, members of the Foreign Language Club participated in a cooking event at school where Julie, Joto's current ALT, taught them how to prepare some traditional dishes from her culture. Julie comes from a small town located near Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The Province of Quebec is found in the Eastern part of Canada. It has its own unique traditional culture influenced by its French roots.
For the event, the students were split in two groups; one worked on the main dish, while the other prepared the dessert.
The main dish is called "tourtière". It is a kind of meat pie that is often eaten during the colder months. It is especially popular to eat on Christmas and New's Year Eve, as well as at the sugar shack (where maple syrup is made) during early Spring. Some students rolled the dough into flat circles while the others prepared the ground meat filling that would go into the pies.
As for the dessert, this time the students prepared some "pouding chômeurs". "Pouding" is the French spelling of the English word "pudding", while "chômeur" means "unemployed person". It is a cake topped with thick, sugary sauce. While that event's recipe only called for brown sugar, many people in Quebec usually add maple syrup to the mix. Here too, the students were split into two teams: one taking care of making the cake, while the other prepared the brown sugar sauce.
While the dishes were in the oven, Julie used the leftover dough to prepare some "pets de soeurs" (which literally means "nuns' farts"), rolled pastries made with a mix of butter, brown sugar and cinnamon.
Once every was ready, the students sat together to enjoy the fruit of their labour.
If you have the time, we encourage you to try to make these recipes at home. Please enjoy a taste of Quebec!
6月20日(木)、外語部のメンバーはForeign Cookingイベントを開催しました。
メインディッシュ"tourtière"と、デザート"pouding chômeurs"を作りました。
デザートの"pouding chômeurs(プディン ショマー)"は、砂糖たっぷりの濃厚なソースをかけたケーキです。今回のレシピでは黒砂糖だけを使用しましたが、ケベックでは多くの人がメープルシロップを加えるそうです。
オーブンでパイを焼いている間、ジュリーは残った生地を使って、バター、ブラウンシュガー、シナモンを混ぜたロールケーキ "pets de soeurs"を作ってくれました。